When the probe by the New York attorney general’s office into whether President Donald Trump’s businesses inflated the asset values of a New York estate became a criminal investigation on Wednesday, Levy Firestone Muse partner Daren H. Firestone offered his thoughts on the potential pitfalls and necessary precautions of the new path forward to Law360:
Daren Firestone of Levy Firestone Muse LLP, a former trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice’s tax division, told Law360 that cooperation between Vance and James’ offices could signal the civil investigation turned up evidence of criminal fraud. The choice between civil and criminal tax enforcement turns on the strength of the evidence and the mindset of the target, he said, noting a criminal case requires proof the defendant acted willfully.
“The chances President Trump might end up indicted just went up,” Firestone said.
Read the full article, “NY Attorney General’s Probe of Trump Goes Criminal,” on Law360.